What people are saying

5 star rating

It actually covers much more than I expected

Dante Camacho

I really like the length of the lessons, they are clear and not tiring. Grisha brings a great attitude to help solve problems that usually make people think ...

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I really like the length of the lessons, they are clear and not tiring. Grisha brings a great attitude to help solve problems that usually make people think of punishing as a first option.

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5 star rating

Excellent for dog trainers and owners alike.

Morgan Carelse

As a dog trainer, I found this course to be a great refresher with some ideas that I found helpful. I would highly recommend this course to anyone with a new...

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As a dog trainer, I found this course to be a great refresher with some ideas that I found helpful. I would highly recommend this course to anyone with a new dog or who might be considering getting a new dog. This course is full of practical info to help dog owners through common problems.

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5 star rating

Very Useful

Rosa Roldán

A very enjoyable, practical course in an agile format and very easy to follow on any device

A very enjoyable, practical course in an agile format and very easy to follow on any device

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5 star rating

In Depth Info

Kristi Corbett

Lots of good info on a variety of topics and all labeled nicely.

Lots of good info on a variety of topics and all labeled nicely.

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5 star rating

Great information

Deborah Peal

I'm trying to finally transition from petsitting/dog walking to training. There is a lot of great information in this series.

I'm trying to finally transition from petsitting/dog walking to training. There is a lot of great information in this series.

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5 star rating

Great course

Krisztina Harasztosi

This course series highly recommended to new dog owners puppy or adult, and also for trainers who train puppies and young dogs or recently arrived rescues. S...

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This course series highly recommended to new dog owners puppy or adult, and also for trainers who train puppies and young dogs or recently arrived rescues. Some different approach can be found. I love Grisha`s approach to give choices and substitute /alternative behaviors or enrichments.

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5 star rating

Common behavior challenges

Amanda Hawkins



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Are you frustrated with your dog inside? I once had a client whose dog jumped up to the TOP of the refridgerator to steal bread! Dogs make messes, chew furniture, bite, howl, and can make your life a nightmare. It doesn't have to be that way, and you don't need to yell or punish your dog to make it better.

There’s a common misunderstanding that dogs just know how to do what we want, and when they don’t they’re bad dogs. But they’re doing their best, just being dogs! It's a translation and motivation problem.

When you learn why dogs do what they do, and what your dog needs from you, it makes it so much easier to get on the same page and enjoy time together.

What you will learn

Your dog can't wait for you to get going!

  1. Untangle the way you think about dogs, seeing behavior as a way for a dog to meet their needs.
  2. Strategies for housetraining, destruction, and other common problems that work for you AND your dog.
  3. Bring peace to your home, for more snuggles and good times.

What this course is about

Here are the lessons you'll get in this class. I've broken it into bite-sized pieces, and you can watch one or binge them all (about 3 hours total).

  • What is Modern Dog Training? (7 minutes)
  • Empowerment: How to Build Cooperation and Trust (4 minutes)
  • Problem Solving 101 (6 minutes)
  • Your Dog's Top 7 Needs and Why You Should Care (7 minutes)
  • Stop it Now! Quick Fixes for Pet Behavior Problems (8 minutes)
  • How to Puppy-Proof Your Home (9 minutes)
  • 10 Ways Your Pet Says "I Need Space" (11 minutes)
  • 10 Ways Your Pet Says "I'm Ok" (9 minutes)
  • Watch this Before Petting Another Animal (2 minutes)
  • Tired of Cleaning Messes? Housetraining 101 (9 minutes)
  • How (and Why) to Crate Train Your Puppy or Dog (7 minutes with bonus clips)
  • I'm Not a Chew Toy! How to Handle Puppy Biting (5 minutes)
  • How to Set Boundaries for Animal Care (8 minutes)
  • 6 Cue Words Every Pet Should Know (5 minutes)
  • Play With Me! How & Why to Play With Your Pet (9 minutes)
  • 5 Essential Rules for Tug Games (6 minutes)
  • Fun Dog Brain Games for Happiness and Mental Health (6 minutes)
  • Rainy Day Dogs: How to Exercise Your Dog Indoors (9 minutes)
  • 20 Dog Training Cues to Make Life Easier! (2 minutes)
  • Have a Happy and Well Behaved Dog with Guests (8 minutes)
  • Dog Doors: When to Use and How to Train (3 minutes)
  • Top Tips for Dogs in Apartments (6 minutes)
  • The Sky is Falling! How to Survive Fireworks with Your Dog (7 minutes)
  • Impulse Control: On/Off Switch Exercise (6 minutes)
  • Chill Out: Relaxation on Cue (4 minutes)
  • Home Alone: 5 Ways to Prevent Separation Anxiety (5 minutes)
  • Help! My Dog is Chasing the Cat (5 minutes)
  • "I Want It!" How to Stop Demand Barking or Vocalizations (4 minutes)
  • Stop, Thief! How to Prevent and Stop Countersurfing (4 minutes)
  • Ick! How to Stop a Poop-Eating Dog (Coprophagia) (5 minutes)
  • Me First! How to Train More Than One Animal at a Time (4 minutes)
  • Tips for Sharing Your Bed and Furniture (or Not) (6 minutes)

Who is this course for?

Anyone with a dog! This class by world-renowned dog trainer and author Grisha Stewart, MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP is designed for people with new puppies, rescue dogs, dogs that eat furniture, and dogs that sometimes hump your mother-in-law's legs. Also good for professional dog trainers and dog sitters.


Dog Trainer, Author, Singer-Songwriter

Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP

I'm a collaborative dog trainer, author, international presenter, singer-songwriter, and keynote speaker of European ancestry (best guess based on DNA and some genealogy is Scotland, "England & Northwestern Europe," Wales, "Germanic Europe," Ireland, and Norway). I've been helping people and dogs professionally since 2003. My passion projects are community building, songwriting, and woodturning.

I'm fascinated by animal behavior (including humans), somatic awareness, spirituality, psychology. My work is directed at wholehearted living for all beings. For over 20 years, I've been coaching people to help dogs with a history of aggression, frustration, or fear as well as puppies. My other favorite species is humans.

My Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT 2.0 book and BAT 3.0) is used worldwide to help dogs gain confidence and social skills. Well over 200,000 people have learned about BAT so far.

As an outgoing introvert, I refresh my batteries by singing, expressing grief in community, and savoring life with my husband (Tom), Labrador (Joey), cat (Garbanzo aka "Adventure Kitty" and "Baby Panther"), and Little Brown Dog (Zuki). I identify as a queer (pansexual), neurodiverse, middle age, white, raised in poverty and now of middle class, and US citizen, spiritual non-Christian leaning toward neo-Druid (but raised in Christian culture). My pronouns are she/her. I am still working on finding ways to live in reciprocity with Siuslaw people, upon whose ancestral lands I reside.

Ready to bring some peace to your home?

It's your choice: buy this course individually, in the Student Essentials bundle, or get it (and a lot more) for FREE as a member.

  • $49.00

    $49.00Common Behavior Challenges: Inside the Home

    One-time payment to add this course to your library of courses. Your access will not expire with this option.
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  • $199.00

    $199.00Student Essentials

    One-time payment to add this course and several others to your permanent library, including the other two courses in the Common Behavior Problems series - "Outside the Home" and "Reactivity." Your access will not expire with this option. Learn more.
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