Are you frustrated with your dog outside? What would it feel like for it to be easier together? Do you want a dog who walks with you, checks in, comes when called, and enjoys visits to the veterinarian? Do you want to be welcome with your dog at your friends' homes, and safe in the car?

There’s a common misunderstanding that dogs just know how to do these things, and when they don’t they’re bad dogs. But they’re doing their best, just being dogs! 

When you learn why dogs do what they do, and what your dog needs from you, it makes it so much easier to get on the same page and enjoy time together.

What you will learn

Your dog can't wait for you to get going!

  1. Untangle the way you think about dogs, seeing behavior as a way for a dog to meet their needs.
  2. Strategies for polite walking, coming when called, and choosing the right gear.
  3. Improve your life outside with the dog of your dreams.

What this course is about

Short, practical videos with professional help for you and your dog.

  • Problem Solving 101 (6 minutes)
  • Your Dog's Top 7 Needs and Why You Should Care (5 minutes)
  • Shhhhh: 15 Ways to Keep Your Dog Quiet in Class (7 minutes)
  • He's Not Listening! Problem Solving for Motivation & Training (7 minutes)
  • Vet Visit Stress Tips for Dogs (11 minutes)
  • How and Why to let Dogs Play Together (9 minutes)
  • Dog Playdate Safety (4 minutes with bonus videos on play)
  • Dog Parks: How to Stay Safe and Have Fun! (7 minutes)
  • How and Whether to let Dogs Greet on the Leash (7 minutes)
  • Make Your Life Easier With the Right Dog Gear (13 minutes)
  • Stop Pulling: How to Train Loose Leash Walking (5 minutes)
  • Silky Leash for Loose Leash Walking (3 videos, 20 minutes)
  • Let's Go! 5 Tips to Keep Your Donkey Dog Walking (5 minutes)
  • Walking More Than One Dog (5 minutes)
  • Come Back! Train Your Dog for a Reliable Recall (8 minutes with some bonus videos)
  • More Training for Coming When Called (step-by-step with multiple videos)
  • Walking Your Dog Off Leash: Safety and Training (4 minutes)
  • Keep Your Dog Safe While Driving (7 minutes)
  • Is Your Dog Afraid of Riding in Cars? (7 minutes)
  • How to Be a Polite Guest: Visiting with Your Dog (6 minutes)

Who is this course for?

Anyone with a dog! This class by world-renowned dog trainer and author Grisha Stewart, MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP is designed for people with new puppies, rescue dogs, dogs that pull on leash, and dogs that sometimes run away. Also good for professional dog trainers, veterinarians, and groomers.

What people are saying

5 star rating

Tons of great tips!

Carly Davis

Just like the other courses I’ve viewed from Grisha, this one was filled with so many thoughtful and helpful tips. She is very thorough and includes helpful ...

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Just like the other courses I’ve viewed from Grisha, this one was filled with so many thoughtful and helpful tips. She is very thorough and includes helpful troubleshooting ideas. Thank you!

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5 star rating

Very practical and enjoyable

Rosa Roldán

A totally practical course with abundant material to consult according the behaviors that we are interested in working with our dogs. Thank you!

A totally practical course with abundant material to consult according the behaviors that we are interested in working with our dogs. Thank you!

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5 star rating

Highly recommend!

Belen Alvarez

Lots of valuable information explained in an easy way in short videos

Lots of valuable information explained in an easy way in short videos

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5 star rating

All the courses are great! :)

Lucie Zoubková

I have already read the book about BAT and I am more than happy that I have access to all these online courses too. It is great for me to read it and then he...

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I have already read the book about BAT and I am more than happy that I have access to all these online courses too. It is great for me to read it and then hear it. There are also many other topics in your online courses that I'm really looking forward to hear. Everything you say is comprehensible and it does make a perfect sense. English is not my native language but I understand you without any problems, which is not always the cause. Sometimes the trainers talks very fast and don't really care about pronunciation, which causes me trouble understanding. Thanks to your english courses I better my english when it comes to dogs and I've already learned many usefull english words. Thank you for your book and your onlien courses, I love them! :)

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Dog Trainer, Author, Singer-Songwriter

Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP

I'm a collaborative dog trainer, author, international presenter, singer-songwriter, and keynote speaker of European ancestry (best guess based on DNA and some genealogy is Scotland, "England & Northwestern Europe," Wales, "Germanic Europe," Ireland, and Norway). I've been helping people and dogs professionally since 2003. My passion projects are community building, songwriting, and woodturning.

I'm fascinated by animal behavior (including humans), somatic awareness, spirituality, psychology. My work is directed at wholehearted living for all beings. For over 20 years, I've been coaching people to help dogs with a history of aggression, frustration, or fear as well as puppies. My other favorite species is humans.

My Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT 2.0 book and BAT 3.0) is used worldwide to help dogs gain confidence and social skills. Well over 200,000 people have learned about BAT so far.

As an outgoing introvert, I refresh my batteries by singing, expressing grief in community, and savoring life with my husband (Tom), Labrador (Joey), cat (Garbanzo aka "Adventure Kitty" and "Baby Panther"), and Little Brown Dog (Zuki). I identify as a queer (pansexual), neurodiverse, middle age, white, raised in poverty and now of middle class, and US citizen, spiritual non-Christian leaning toward neo-Druid (but raised in Christian culture). My pronouns are she/her. I am still working on finding ways to live in reciprocity with Siuslaw people, upon whose ancestral lands I reside.

Ready to get your dog out?

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    $49.00Common Behavior Challenges: Outside the Home (Walking, Come, etc.)

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