Cooperative Care: Training for Empowered Cooperation with Grooming, Vet Care, and Body Handling

Timing: Available Now | Duration: 1.25 hr | Format: Video | Presenter: Grisha Stewart | CCPDT: 1 CEU | IAABC: 1.25 CEUs |Tag: Veterinary Care, Grooming | Price: $29

4.9 /5
1.5 Hours 19 Lessons Basic Puppy Training
Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP

Dog Trainer, Author, Singer-Songwriter

Save $10

Included with Diamond Membership All-Access Pass & Library Pass.

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What You Will Learn

Build a strong relationship of trust and care for your dog through empowerment-based training.

What is empowerment and why is it better than domination?
Specific training skills can prepare your dog for grooming and veterinary procedures.
Step by step training to help your dog learn to trust you.
How to understand what your dog is saying and also how to navigate consent for contact.


Imagine being at the dentist's office, and suddenly she's drilling in your mouth. It's far scarier if you don't know what's going on or how to get it to stop.

There are many things we need to do to dogs for their own wellbeing, from nail trims to checking their temperature. We can use dog training techniques and build our observation skills to make these far safer and more comfortable for all involved. Collaboration is the future!

Who This Course is For

Anyone with a dog! 

  • People with new puppies, escue dogs, dogs that bite the veterinarian, dogs that love the veterinarian, and dogs that need grooming (they all do).
  • Professional dog trainers and behaviorists
  • Veterinarians
  • Dog groomers.


No experience necessary!

  • On demand content.
  • Access whenever you'd like.
  • Short lessons to fit into your day.



Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP

Dog Trainer, Author, Singer-Songwriter

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19 Lessons
Welcome - Start Here
Getting Started with Cooperative Care
Empowerment: How to Build Cooperation and Trust in Dogs
Animal Magnetism: Is Your Training Attracting or Repelling?
Your Dog's Top 7 Needs and Why You Should Care
10 Ways Your Dog Says "I Need Space"
10 Ways That Your Pet Says "I'm OK"
Watch This Before Petting Another Animal! :)
Vet Visit Stress Tips for Dogs
The More Please Signal Will Change Your Pet's Life
More Examples of the More Please Signal
Cooperative Vet Care: 3 Tricks With a Purpose
Cooperative Grooming: 3 More Tricks with a Purpose
Mani-Pedi: How and Why to Trim Your Dog's Nails
Get Dressed: Teach Dogs to Put on Their Own Gear
Deaf or Blind Dogs: Training and Care Tips
Last Lesson - thanks for being here & a quick video 'quiz'
Quick Quiz!
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Recent Reviews

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    So Informative!

    This module was incredibly informative and practical, providing a clear framework for building trust and ensuring both animals, professionals, and pet owners feel comfortable during care routines!

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    A Great Course!

    I love the core message of Cooperative Care. Our dogs have emotions and boundaries too, and it's so valuable to give them a choice in what happens to them. Great practical tips, and I've taken lots of notes! I enjoy the way the lectures are put together.

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    Another great course

    Easy to follow explanations and really good at showing how cooperative care is not just about vet or grooming procedures but is part of the integrated philosophy of dogs as living creatures with wishes and needs, including the need to fit into our worlds, and navigate our (often totally absurd - to them) rules, without having to suffer coercion and fear.

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    Good Info

    This class was very valuable and informative. As a visual learner, I was hoping for more videos of a trainer actually doing the tasks because I struggle with written and spoken instructions. There were several times where is referenced to check back to a Vet OR Grooming video but it was just listed out bullet point instructions rather than a video on how to execute the training. In something like cooperative care, showing more examples of what the MPSs look like and what it looks like when they are no longer giving it would have been more beneficial. This a good class with lots of information!

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    Always looking to improve the risk of fear, anxiety and stress in my patients at the vets, and this course helped. Many thanks.

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    Cooperative Care: Training for Empowered Cooperation with Grooming, Vet Care, and Body Handling

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    Very helpful

    I appreciated the methodical approach you take in introducing the different steps involved. I find that I have done a lot of this myself, but it helps to reinforce it and make sure that I am doing it for the right reasons. It is also helpful, because my older dog is going deaf and her eyesight is not so great either, so the last section on working with deaf and blind dogs was very helpful. Thanks so much! This is my first full course since joining and I'm very happy with it. Looking forward to the rest of them.

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    Essentially for all dog owners

    It's the little things in life that can be challenging or stressful to our dogs and most of the time we don't pay too much attention for them, starting with putting on the gear for a walk. With this course you can teach your dog to be less stressed with all kinds of treatments that he normally doesn't like, as brushing, going to the vet or clipping nails. Easy to follow step by step instructions in short units can help you with just a few minutes of daily practice to make your dog feel more relaxed with taking care of him.



19 Lessons
Welcome - Start Here
Getting Started with Cooperative Care
Empowerment: How to Build Cooperation and Trust in Dogs
Animal Magnetism: Is Your Training Attracting or Repelling?
Your Dog's Top 7 Needs and Why You Should Care
10 Ways Your Dog Says "I Need Space"
10 Ways That Your Pet Says "I'm OK"
Watch This Before Petting Another Animal! :)
Vet Visit Stress Tips for Dogs
The More Please Signal Will Change Your Pet's Life
More Examples of the More Please Signal
Cooperative Vet Care: 3 Tricks With a Purpose
Cooperative Grooming: 3 More Tricks with a Purpose
Mani-Pedi: How and Why to Trim Your Dog's Nails
Get Dressed: Teach Dogs to Put on Their Own Gear
Deaf or Blind Dogs: Training and Care Tips
Last Lesson - thanks for being here & a quick video 'quiz'
Quick Quiz!
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