CBATI-KSA Transition Process: Enrollment 2024.
Overview of the CBATI-KSA Transition Process 2024.
We are so glad to have you here. If you are a CBATI who has certified before September 30, 2022, then you are in the right place. Please log in to view the course. If you aren't yet enrolled, just email Claire.
This course player outlines how you can transition from CBATI to CBATI-KSA. gives more details about the program and act as your orientation to the process of keeping and renewing your KSA.
We've worked hard to made the process as easy as possible while still maintaining the integrity of the CBATI program at the highest standard, but fully understand if you still have questions or concerns.
Read the chapters in this course player to understand what you need to do to convert your CBATI to CBATI-KSA.
Pay for the courses. Links are in this course player.
Complete the four (4) courses so that they show 100% complete in your "Dashboard."
Send an email to the CBATI Program Office. Attach your course completion Certificates.
The program office will send you your CBATI-KSA logo and digital copy of your CBATI-KSA Certificate.
There is NO charge for courses if you are a Diamond Member in good standing (6 months or more).