It's that time of the year!

We all came together in community to celebrate our achievements in 2024 and looked bravely ahead to 2025!

Recorded Live Event from December 10, 2024.

  • Available to stream for all members of the Grisha Stewart Academy, and Stellar Village.

  • There was a fun quiz! Congratulations to Diamond Member Michelle Hansen winner of the Quiz and a GSA Hoodie!

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About the Instructor

Dog Trainer, Author, Singer-Songwriter

Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP

I'm a collaborative dog trainer, author, international presenter, singer-songwriter, and keynote speaker of European ancestry (best guess based on DNA and some genealogy is Scotland, "England & Northwestern Europe," Wales, "Germanic Europe," Ireland, and Norway). I've been helping people and dogs professionally since 2003. My passion projects are community building, songwriting, and woodturning.

I'm fascinated by animal behavior (including humans), somatic awareness, spirituality, psychology. My work is directed at wholehearted living for all beings. For over 20 years, I've been coaching people to help dogs with a history of aggression, frustration, or fear as well as puppies. My other favorite species is humans.

My Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT 2.0 book and BAT 3.0) is used worldwide to help dogs gain confidence and social skills. Well over 200,000 people have learned about BAT so far.

As an outgoing introvert, I refresh my batteries by singing, expressing grief in community, and savoring life with my husband (Tom), Labrador (Joey), cat (Garbanzo aka "Adventure Kitty" and "Baby Panther"), and Little Brown Dog (Zuki). I identify as a queer (pansexual), neurodiverse, middle age, white, raised in poverty and now of middle class, and US citizen, spiritual non-Christian leaning toward neo-Druid (but raised in Christian culture). My pronouns are she/her. I am still working on finding ways to live in reciprocity with Siuslaw people, upon whose ancestral lands I reside.

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