Building Canine Confidence with Movement - Lori Stevens
Timing: Available Now | Duration: 2 hr | Format: Video | Presenter: Lori Stevens | CCPDT: 2 CEUs | IAABC: 2 CEUs | Price: $29
I’ve attended many of Lori’s webinars and classes, but this has to be one of my favorites. Lori both covers the “why” - why our dogs can gain so much confide...
Read MoreI’ve attended many of Lori’s webinars and classes, but this has to be one of my favorites. Lori both covers the “why” - why our dogs can gain so much confidence from movement - and the “how” by providing the learner with several easy to implement fitness exercises at home. Lori’s teachings always put the learner first (our animals) and her exercise are safe to implement for dogs of all ages and training levels. Thank you Lori for another wonderful webinar!
Read LessI loved this Webinar! Lori showed us some very easy and unspectacular exercises: positions, postures, behaviors that have a spectacular effect on the wellnes...
Read MoreI loved this Webinar! Lori showed us some very easy and unspectacular exercises: positions, postures, behaviors that have a spectacular effect on the wellness and overall feeling of our dogs. And of course, this has an immediate effect on the general way of behaving of our dogs. Body awareness leads to more body control and to more confident behavior. I have neglected this a bit, and will immediately integrate this in my daily interactions ... and of course teachings. Thank you Lori and Grisha!
Read LessThis course was an excellent introduction to movement and the healing power of movement with connection (in so many senses of the word). Lori is able to succ...
Read MoreThis course was an excellent introduction to movement and the healing power of movement with connection (in so many senses of the word). Lori is able to succinctly explain the meta level of why movement and body awareness are so important. I highly recommend this course for anyone doing/considering fostering, adopting a new dog, or planning on any type of canine sport.
Read LessThe webinar was a good overview of the concept of using movement to help dogs feel better and thus to be more confident. Left me wanting to learn more. Thank...
Read MoreThe webinar was a good overview of the concept of using movement to help dogs feel better and thus to be more confident. Left me wanting to learn more. Thank you.
Read LessI'm excited to try these exercises with my GSD and min pins. It will be good for all of us.
I'm excited to try these exercises with my GSD and min pins. It will be good for all of us.
Read LessThis was a really enjoyable Webinar with lots of practical tips and ideas. I love to photograph my dogs and as a result, they are always on the lookout for i...
Read MoreThis was a really enjoyable Webinar with lots of practical tips and ideas. I love to photograph my dogs and as a result, they are always on the lookout for interesting places to pose as they know it will involve a treat. I have never considered using these opportunities to look closely at their posture and movement but I am excited to begin using some of the ideas I gained from Lori today.
Read LessI've had a couple opportunities to work with Lori with one of my dogs and have always found her to be very grounding for me on keeping my dog happily moving ...
Read MoreI've had a couple opportunities to work with Lori with one of my dogs and have always found her to be very grounding for me on keeping my dog happily moving forward while working on my own mechanics to make it clearer for my dog. This was mostly review for me but as always, great reminders to keep it simple, clear and clean for our dogs :-3
Read LessI hope we can get a bit deeper so it means to bring Lori back!! LOVE the class.
I hope we can get a bit deeper so it means to bring Lori back!! LOVE the class.
Read LessWhat a fabulous webinar! Clear and conscise, it immediately had me planning how and what to incorporate into our next training sessions. I hope there's more ...
Read MoreWhat a fabulous webinar! Clear and conscise, it immediately had me planning how and what to incorporate into our next training sessions. I hope there's more opportunities to learn from Lori.
Read LessI loved this course, the way it is explained and the clear passion for what Lori does is inspirational. It got me to think more and more about how movement ...
Read MoreI loved this course, the way it is explained and the clear passion for what Lori does is inspirational. It got me to think more and more about how movement affects, of course our emotional and mindset. Already started to practice with my "walk hater" and I know thinking and working on movement will help us hugely. Thank you Lori and Grisha, always!
Read LessI really enjoyed this course. It’s given me inspiration for interesting activities for my hounds, something other than fetch. I like how this work goes be...
Read MoreI really enjoyed this course. It’s given me inspiration for interesting activities for my hounds, something other than fetch. I like how this work goes beyond training and enters a zen-like relationship with your dog.
Read LessVery insightful webinar with great video examples and a wonderful explanation by Lori Stevens. I will definitely be on the search for more of her work on can...
Read MoreVery insightful webinar with great video examples and a wonderful explanation by Lori Stevens. I will definitely be on the search for more of her work on canine movement. This presentation has helped me become more aware of not only my dog's positioning and alignment, but my own!
Read LessAs neuroscience is discovering, the body keeps the score: anxiety and tension can be held until physically released. By learning to move in new ways, dogs can ‘thaw’ the frozen movement in their bodies and experience a boost in confidence. As a human, I do somatic practices (like dance) to process my deep emotion. Dogs are not people, but they are mammals, and our mammalian brains have some very similar ways of processing stress. I’m thrilled to have Lori Stevens here to give practical examples that demonstrate a link between movement and confidence in dogs!
Simple movement and fitness foundation exercises with your dog can be fun and enriching for both the dog and the handler. While we often teach these exercises with straightforward objectives—to increase muscle strength; to improve performance, flexibility, focus, proprioception, and balance; there are unexpected benefits that happen as a result.
It’s apparent that many dogs are gaining confidence as a result of these slow movement exercises and training and also generalizing their new confidence in real-world situations. Lori provides descriptions and video demos of dogs doing these movement exercises and share a few case studies where there was a significant improvement in the dogs’ confidence.
Recorded live on March 30, 2021. 2 hours long (with audience questions).
Suitable for professional dog trainers and veterinarians, as well as families with dogs.
See how exercises to improve body awareness can lead to positive changes in dog behavior.
Learn ways to improve your dog's proprioception: awareness of their body in space.
Video recording of a live online session.
Earn 2 CPDT CEUS for dog trainer recertification. We are an Approved Education Provider for the CCPDT.
Signing up for a lot of online dog training? Save some money! Diamond Members get ALL webinars and courses in the school for one low rate.
We also have a Library Pass which lets you stream this course and a lot of other pre recorded content. Find out more on the Library Pass Page.
Lori shares 3 case studies in which movement built confidence.
Includes a video of the presentation, lots of questions, session transcript, and PDF of the slide notes to assist your learning.
CEUs Available for Course Purchasers, Diamond Members & Library Pass holders
Lori includes clear, practical examples of movement to build confidence and tone.
"I highly recommend this course for anyone doing/considering fostering, adopting a new dog, or planning on any type of canine sport." - attendee Sarala Helmer
Webinar attendees are also eligible to continue the conversation in the Grisha Stewart Learner Support Facebook Group.
Diamond members can also always post in the special group for Diamonds.
Lori's webinar has (once again) reminded me, that we are all made for movement and that movement is as much medicine for the body as it is for the mind. She ...
Read MoreLori's webinar has (once again) reminded me, that we are all made for movement and that movement is as much medicine for the body as it is for the mind. She also makes it clear, that it doesn't need much in terms of equipment or complicated exercises to get great results. Think about what you are doing, do it regularly and make it part of your daily routine. The webinar was as much an inspiration to work with my dog as it was to do my own exercises. Thank You !!
Read LessSuch a wonderful webinar. Lots of good stuff to do with Max my malinois who has a plate in his hind leg (car accident) and might need an op to have it taken ...
Read MoreSuch a wonderful webinar. Lots of good stuff to do with Max my malinois who has a plate in his hind leg (car accident) and might need an op to have it taken out. Those excercises look good to get him back in shape in a soft way and keep him busy too. Really enjoyed this and will visite Lori's website! Thank you!!
Read LessSo often we see stretching and 'fitness' activities and the focus on proper ergonomics and health isn't there. This webinar helped me better understand what ...
Read MoreSo often we see stretching and 'fitness' activities and the focus on proper ergonomics and health isn't there. This webinar helped me better understand what to look for and where on the body with before and afters that were beyond helpful.
Read LessThis was an amazing course/introduction to how movement can help our canine friends. It was deeply interesting and I am already so much more aware of what mi...
Read MoreThis was an amazing course/introduction to how movement can help our canine friends. It was deeply interesting and I am already so much more aware of what might be going on with my dog, with how things we do (or don't do) affects her.. Absolutely worth it.
Read LessThis was very entertaining, easy to watch and full of excellent information.
This was very entertaining, easy to watch and full of excellent information.
Read LessA must watch for everyone with an anxious dog, with health issues or doing dog sports. Movement is considered as something so normal that we hardly pay atten...
Read MoreA must watch for everyone with an anxious dog, with health issues or doing dog sports. Movement is considered as something so normal that we hardly pay attention to it.Thanks to Lori this course opens a new perspective on movement as therapy.
Read LessEh...the instructor showed zero enthusiasm. Completely misleading title.
Eh...the instructor showed zero enthusiasm. Completely misleading title.
Read LessThis course introduces ways to increase confidence and also spotlights ways to assess a dog through movement, so we can meet them where they are. Observation...
Read MoreThis course introduces ways to increase confidence and also spotlights ways to assess a dog through movement, so we can meet them where they are. Observation of how a dog moves is key to assessing baseline behaviors. Such great information about how to interpret body movement, such as straight back or roach back. Excellent case studies. Highly recommend.
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