One steady, affordable monthly fee, so you can budget with a Community Supported Rate if the standard rate is too much of a hardship at this time. If you'd rather get an annual membership or one-time pass, Click here for more options.
Diamond members with dog-related businesses get a free listing in the Empowered Animals Dog Pro Directory, a robust directory of skilled, ethical, compassionate dog trainers and other professionals.
Access all Live classes and recordings by me (Grisha) and other expert instructors (Andre Yeu, Sarah Fisher, Susan Friedman, Kathy Sdao, Chirag Patel, Lili Chin, Simone Mueller, Sowjanya Vijayanagar, Anders Hallgren, Katrien Lismont, Diane Garrod, Michael Shikashio, Andrew Hale, Karen Faith, and lots more!)
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New dog training and behavior classes are added frequently with speakers chosen for their commitment to empowerment-based training and kindness to humans. I select instructors who are lifelong learners with information that will help professional dog trainers -- especially if I think I can learn something new from them, too!
Special deals for your students or friends to save on courses.
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Downloaded eBooks are still yours to keep if membership expires!
This is a phenomenal value, and with our rate lock, you can count on your Diamond rate never going up (unless you cancel and restart later). Active members are ancestored into the rate from when they last started the membership, so if the rate goes up, it’s still only $39.99 or $29.99 for you.
Is that still too much? If you just want the on-demand version of the courses, rather than the Diamond perks like the directory access and live webinars, check out our Library Pass.