What dog people are saying

5 star rating

My favourite!

Martina Luisetti

This was my favourite video of the BAT series! It connects all the dots learnt so far. I love how BAT is a gentle flow building resilience in the dogs, its k...

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This was my favourite video of the BAT series! It connects all the dots learnt so far. I love how BAT is a gentle flow building resilience in the dogs, its kindness and freedom of choice is the secret superpower!

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5 star rating

BAT Setups , The definitive methods

Gerard Manning

This was absolutely engrossing and brilliantly done. Seeing actual BAT Setups in practice are so extremely important as a reinforcement of my own knowledge...

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This was absolutely engrossing and brilliantly done. Seeing actual BAT Setups in practice are so extremely important as a reinforcement of my own knowledge. The subtle changes of approach and the use of strategies such as " Find It " and " Mark and Move " when required varied from dog to dog.....working with the dog in front of you. BAT methods are certainly not a case of " " One size fits all " ....all about enabling and empowering the unique dog in front of you . Thoroughly enjoyed this.

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5 star rating

Useful and fun

Rosa Roldán

I love this course format. They are very practical and entertaining and Grisha is a great professional who knows how to perfectly explain complicated a prior...

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I love this course format. They are very practical and entertaining and Grisha is a great professional who knows how to perfectly explain complicated a priori concepts, in a close and honest way.

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5 star rating

Good description of content

caroline bird

another good video, enjoyed the videos.

another good video, enjoyed the videos.

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5 star rating

Real life tips to implement BAT in the daily walks

Christine Scharf

Interesting, full of very goof tips / attention points when we intend to work on special points during BAT sessions !

Interesting, full of very goof tips / attention points when we intend to work on special points during BAT sessions !

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5 star rating

How to Orchestrate Basic Set-ups and Variations with Dogs

Jan Gordon

I liked the fact of the discussion first, then video demos. It was just what I needed to see and learn. I now how more tools in my tool box to help my clie...

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I liked the fact of the discussion first, then video demos. It was just what I needed to see and learn. I now how more tools in my tool box to help my clients.

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5 star rating

Excellent Examples

Dana Simel

In this session, the student will learn more about what BAT looks like through lecture and then example. Wonderful! I appreciate all the videos that allow o...

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In this session, the student will learn more about what BAT looks like through lecture and then example. Wonderful! I appreciate all the videos that allow one to see different scenarios and different dogs. The downloads are greatly appreciated for those of us who like to reinforce what we are learning by reading it and underlining at the same time.

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5 star rating


Catie Louwers

Again some helpfull ideas, hopefully ones that I can use helping Max with staying calm with cars in a distance.

Again some helpfull ideas, hopefully ones that I can use helping Max with staying calm with cars in a distance.

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5 star rating

BAT 2.0 Set-ups

Nicole Corby

Beautifully and so clearly explained Gorgeous locations, great filmwork! Thank You!

Beautifully and so clearly explained Gorgeous locations, great filmwork! Thank You!

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5 star rating


Karen Bertoncini

Great course with awesome information.

Great course with awesome information.

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5 star rating

Most helpful course so far!

Ashley Badgley

The videos in this course were very helpful for me to see visually what I need to be exercising in a BAT setup. It was nice to see Grisha instructing the own...

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The videos in this course were very helpful for me to see visually what I need to be exercising in a BAT setup. It was nice to see Grisha instructing the owners and explaining why she was doing what she was in a clear way. I will be coming back to review this course in the future!

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It All Starts with a Feeling of Safety.

From there, dogs can explore in a way that doesn't need to resort to barking, growling, running away, or other over-reactive behavior.

This video is for anyone working on preventing or rehabilitating reactivity. You'll see several live demonstrations and explanations of the Behavior Adjustment Training technique for dog (re)socialization. Whether you are familiar with BAT 2.0 or not, this video will help you see how to put this effective tool to work.

This is a short introduction to BAT set-ups, with variations. It should be enough for professionals to start implementing BAT if you have also watched Walk With Me to learn the leash skills. For an in-depth guide, I also recommend the BAT 101 course.

  • Barking, lunging, growling on walks.

  • Fighting with other dogs in the home.

  • Avoiding or shutting down around people or dogs.

  • Biting or barking at people.

  • Also useful for socializing PUPPIES and all dogs!

  • Get this course and a whole lot more for FREE when you become a Diamond Member! Learn more about Diamond Membership.

  • We also have a Library Pass which lets you stream this course and a lot of other pre recorded content. Find out more on the Library Pass Page.

Taking dog empowerment to the next level.

When dogs have a sense of safety, appropriate social skills emerge.

  • 1.5 Hour Video

    Part 5 of the Empowered Animals DVD series, now available as streaming dog training video. I recommend you watch the "Talk With Me," "Walk with Me" and "Survival Skills" videos first to really understand this technique. Pro trainers should at least watch "Walk With Me."

  • What's new in 2.0?

    Originally developed in 2009, BAT 2.0 is the newly updated version that is simpler, faster, and easier for dogs and people to do. P.S. For biting/fighting: if you aren't a dog trainer, I still recommend you hire a CBATI-KSA to help you with your set ups.

  • Bonus Material

    You'll also get PDF notes of the Powerpoint from the presentation and a quick quiz for understanding. The quiz also allows us to issue a certificate if you are a professional and need CEUs.

    1.5 CPDT CEUs, 2 IAABC CEUs. Available for Course Purchasers, Diamond Members & Library Pass holders

What's Included?

  • 1

    BAT Set-ups Video

    • Welcome! School Overview

    • BAT Set-Ups Video (2 hours)

    • Quick Quiz: Check Your Understanding

    • Powerpoint Slide Notes (PDF)

  • 2

    Finishing Up

    • What's Next?


Dog Trainer, Author, Singer-Songwriter

Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP

I'm a collaborative dog trainer, author, international presenter, singer-songwriter, and keynote speaker of European ancestry (best guess based on DNA and some genealogy is Scotland, "England & Northwestern Europe," Wales, "Germanic Europe," Ireland, and Norway). I've been helping people and dogs professionally since 2003. My passion projects are grief tending, community singing, and woodturning.

I'm fascinated by animal behavior (including humans), somatic awareness, spirituality, psychology. My work is directed at wholehearted living for all beings, including dogs with a history of aggression, frustration, or fear as well as puppies and my other favorite species: humans.

My Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT 2.0 book and BAT 3.0) is used worldwide to help dogs gain confidence and social skills. Well over 200,000 people have learned about BAT so far.

Diane Redding and I co-host a podcast called The Lesson is Love.

As an outgoing introvert, I refresh my batteries by singing, expressing grief in community, and savoring life with my husband (Tom), Labrador (Joey), cat (Garbanzo aka "Adventure Kitty" and "Baby Panther"), and Little Brown Dog (Zuki). I identify as a queer (pansexual), neurodiverse, middle age, white, raised in poverty and now of middle class, and US citizen, spiritual non-Christian leaning toward neo-Druid (but raised in Christian culture). My pronouns are she/her. I am still wrestling with living on the stolen river watershed of the Siuslaw people, who are part of the CTCLUSI.

Ready to learn how to use BAT for dog reactivity?

It's your choice: buy this video individually or get it (and a lot more) for FREE as a Member.

  • $29.00

    $29.00BAT 2.0 Set-Ups: How to Orchestrate Basic Set-Ups and Variations with Dogs (BAT Empowerment Video 5)

    One-time payment to add this streaming video to your library of courses. Your access will not expire.
    Buy Now
  • $125.00

    $125.00BAT Empowerment Series (6 Feature Films)

    Own the whole series! One-time payment to add all 6 videos to your streaming library: Talk With Me, Walk With Me, Problem Prevention, Survival Skills, BAT Set-Ups, and BAT for Geeks. Your access will not expire.
    Buy Now
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    $39.99 / monthDiamond Membership All Access Pass

    This is the best choice if you are a professional or aspiring dog trainer and are looking for more than just webinars.

    This pass not only includes access to all recorded webinars (over 150 at last count!) but also the:

    Member's Only Monthly On Demand videos by Grisha Stewart (NEW for 2025), Live Case Studies/Panel Discussions hosted by Tom Candy (NEW for 2025), an Exclusive FB Group, a Free listing in our Dog Trainer Directory and the exclusive opportunity to become a CBATI-KA/KSA.
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  • $29.99 / month

    $29.99 / monthDiamond Membership All Access Pass

    Community Supported Rate.
    Sliding scale choice, same membership access as the standard rate.
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  • $19.99 / month

    $19.99 / monthGSA Library Pass

    On-demand access. The ideal choice if you are interested in a great value membership option, are unable to attend the live webinar, and don't need all the extras of the Diamond Membership.

    New content added every month, and you can get CEUs with this pass too!
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