5 star rating

Such an amazing webinar for us BAT geeks

Danika Postle

I'm very excited for BAT 3.0, and it feels like such an intuitive progression from BAT 2.0. I love the inclusion of attachment theory into the BAT framework,...

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I'm very excited for BAT 3.0, and it feels like such an intuitive progression from BAT 2.0. I love the inclusion of attachment theory into the BAT framework, and really can't wait to learn more about this and start implementing with my own dogs and my clients. Thank you to everyone at the Grisha Stewart Academy for another wonderful webinar.

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5 star rating

BAT 3.0

Teressa Hill

I am so excited about the information in BAT 3.0! Looking forward to integrating with my previous BAT knowledge. I guess that I am BAT crazy now.

I am so excited about the information in BAT 3.0! Looking forward to integrating with my previous BAT knowledge. I guess that I am BAT crazy now.

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5 star rating

Clear and concise explanation of BAT 3.0

Dana Simel

I appreciate being able to follow the slides during the presentation and being able to download the slides to review. There is much information and Grisha ha...

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I appreciate being able to follow the slides during the presentation and being able to download the slides to review. There is much information and Grisha has made it understandable. Thank you. Thank you!

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5 star rating

New on-point empowerment strategies for human-dog-regulation

Lisa Klimek

I love that modern approach and very detailed and structured teaching with lots of videos!! I think it is great to see that someone that well-known as Grisha...

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I love that modern approach and very detailed and structured teaching with lots of videos!! I think it is great to see that someone that well-known as Grisha also encounters similar ideas as myself and just keeps learning and modifying their training technique! excellent work going deeper into empowerment in relationships and self-regulation. Already love all BAT 3.0 content to come!

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5 star rating

Very Useful

Rosa Roldán

Thank you!!!

Thank you!!!

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5 star rating

Loved it!

Lola Ocampo Miño

There is nothing to miss from this fantastic webinar and what B.A.T. 3.0 brings to the table. We may understand our dogs, even bond with them, but consideri...

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There is nothing to miss from this fantastic webinar and what B.A.T. 3.0 brings to the table. We may understand our dogs, even bond with them, but considering the health (or the improvement) of this bond is essential and understanding that it is from this place that everything will take form, blew my mind. Super glad that the book is coming!

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4 star rating


Catie Louwers

Fab, look forward to the new book!

Fab, look forward to the new book!

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5 star rating

B.A.T. is alive!

Katrien Lismont

This webinar gives a good overview of how BAT is working and in the mean time experienced BAT Trainers have additional information about the new elements in ...

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This webinar gives a good overview of how BAT is working and in the mean time experienced BAT Trainers have additional information about the new elements in BAT 3.0. Thank you!

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5 star rating

Thanks <3

Typhaine Lecoq

Thank you once again for another great webinar, which helped me understood how BAT 3.0 differed from the previous versions. It was also nice to see Ken Ramir...

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Thank you once again for another great webinar, which helped me understood how BAT 3.0 differed from the previous versions. It was also nice to see Ken Ramirez in action! Can't wait to practice the leash belay with my dog! Now heading to check whether I could find the necessary gears in shops close to me, as I'm not a great fan of Amazon...

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New for 2022! How Has BAT Changed, and Why?

If BAT 1.0 was "natural," BAT 2.0 was "organic," and 3.0 is also "sustainable and holistic." When I released Behavior Adjustment Training 1.0, it was very controversial in the positive dog training community. Tons of people loved it, and others were worried that it might be too stressful.

The judgement of BAT was largely due to misconceptions, but I'll freely admit that there was also some room for improvement, which I'll show in this webinar. For example, we used to lead the dog directly toward triggers, stopping at the first overt signs of overt focus. Now we have the dog in control of the process in a much larger way, and make it easy for people to know when to stop allowing the dog to go closer.

BAT is always improving, and with the leash belay, glimmers, and S.A.F.E., BAT has changed enough by now that we can officially call it BAT 3.0! This is a live webinar where I'll reveal the latest version of BAT including S.A.F.E. framework, the leash belay, and several fine-tuning tips to make BAT even more effective and holistic.

With the purchase of this webinar, you'll also get access to my BAT 1.0 to 2.0 evolution video, which starts off with a brief overview of BAT 2.0 for dog reactivity, for those students who aren't yet familiar with it. In the second half of the video, I go through older video footage and explore the inspirations behind the fine-tuning of BAT from 1.0 into 2.0.

Live Webinar with Q&A Session October 26th, 2022. 10am Pacific Time.
$39 until October 26, then $49 for the regular price. FREE For Diamond Members and CBATI to CBATI-KSA Transition folk.

  • Suitable for professional dog trainers, dog behaviorists, veterinary behaviorists, etc. Advanced guardians who have read the BAT 2.0 book (or watched the BAT Empowerment video series) may also find this useful.

  • Deep dive into what's new in BAT 3.0 and explore the differences with 2.0 and 1.0. Find out why these changes happened and what has been the result.

  • Discover the motivation behind the use of a Long Line, and the creation of Mark and Move.

  • Find out what happened to the Stages from BAT 1.0. and why learning BAT 2.0 is still relevant today now that we have 3.0.

  • Get familiar with the new Leash Belay technique for secure handling, safety signals, somatic practices, and Secure Attachment Family Education (SAFE).

  • Understand how and why the definition of "Threshold" as it relates to BAT has changed.

  • BONUS: Includes the 2019 recording of "The Evolution of BAT 2.0" webinar ready to watch now, plus slide notes from both 2019 and the updated 2022 powerpoint introducing BAT 3.0.

  • This is a Required Course for CBATI-KA Certification.

  • This webinar and whole lot more is included with a Diamond Membership All Access Pass. For one low rate, you get access to all of our emotionally enriching dog courses. See if Diamond is right for you.

  • We also have a Library Pass which lets you stream this course and a lot of other pre recorded content. Find out more on the Library Pass Page.

How has Behavior Adjustment Training changed since 2009?

BAT builds resilience instead of reactivity by creating scenarios that increase learner control, build confidence, and reduce arousal.

  • 2 hours of video

    Get the latest info! Explore how BAT has evolved to give the learner more control, reduce stress, build better communication, and be easier to learn than ever.

    Change can be hard, and this presentation will explain, step by step, change by change, how we got from 1.0 to where BAT is today.

    Some understanding of BAT 1.0 or 2.0 would be helpful, but isn't 100% necessary.

  • Fast Learning Curve

    BAT works with an animal’s natural repertoire of desirable behaviors, and doesn’t require much pre-training for the human to begin the rehabilitation process for both them and their dog.

    BAT is useful for aggression, frustration, fear, and puppy socialization.

  • Bonus Material

    Also includes the 2019 recording of "The Evolution of BAT 2.0" and the PDF notes from the Powerpoint from both the 2019 and 2022 presentations.


    CEUs Available for Course Purchasers, Diamond Members & Library Pass holders


Praise for the BAT 2.0 book

Susan Friedman, Ph.D.

"When I ask behavior professionals, ‘What are your eyes for?’ they reply enthusiastically, ‘To see!’ But when I ask, ‘What is your behavior for?’ conference rooms fall silent.

In BAT 2, Stewart provides the essential answer to this all-important question: Behavior is to have an effect, that is, to be effective. By safely allowing dogs more control over their own outcomes, especially in challenging conditions where fearful, frustrated and aggressive behavior is most likely, caregivers will be more successful shaping independent, competent, confident companions."


Dog Trainer, Author, Singer-Songwriter

Grisha Stewart MA, CPDT-KA, KPACTP

I'm a collaborative dog trainer, author, international presenter, singer-songwriter, and keynote speaker of European ancestry (best guess based on DNA and some genealogy is Scotland, "England & Northwestern Europe," Wales, "Germanic Europe," Ireland, and Norway). I've been helping people and dogs professionally since 2003. My passion projects are grief tending, community singing, and woodturning.

I'm fascinated by animal behavior (including humans), somatic awareness, spirituality, psychology. My work is directed at wholehearted living for all beings, including dogs with a history of aggression, frustration, or fear as well as puppies and my other favorite species: humans.

My Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT 2.0 book and BAT 3.0) is used worldwide to help dogs gain confidence and social skills. Well over 200,000 people have learned about BAT so far.

Diane Redding and I co-host a podcast called The Lesson is Love.

As an outgoing introvert, I refresh my batteries by singing, expressing grief in community, and savoring life with my husband (Tom), Labrador (Joey), cat (Garbanzo aka "Adventure Kitty" and "Baby Panther"), and Little Brown Dog (Zuki). I identify as a queer (pansexual), neurodiverse, middle age, white, raised in poverty and now of middle class, and US citizen, spiritual non-Christian leaning toward neo-Druid (but raised in Christian culture). My pronouns are she/her. I am still wrestling with living on the stolen river watershed of the Siuslaw people, who are part of the CTCLUSI.

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

Clear and concise explanation of BAT 3.0

Dana Simel

I appreciate being able to follow the slides during the presentation and being able to download the slides to review. There is much information and Grisha ha...

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I appreciate being able to follow the slides during the presentation and being able to download the slides to review. There is much information and Grisha has made it understandable. Thank you. Thank you!

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    $49.00Evolution of BAT 3.0: How & Why of Behavior Adjustment Training for Dog Reactivity with Grisha Stewart

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    This pass not only includes access to all recorded webinars (over 150 at last count!) but also the:

    Member's Only Monthly On Demand videos by Grisha Stewart (NEW for 2025), Live Case Studies/Panel Discussions hosted by Tom Candy (NEW for 2025), an Exclusive FB Group, a Free listing in our Dog Trainer Directory and the exclusive opportunity to become a CBATI-KA/KSA.
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    $19.99 / monthGSA Library Pass

    A great value option for dog lovers who want to watch webinars on demand, but don't need the full benefits and community of a Diamond Membership.

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