How can I prevent behavior problems before they start?

And how do I fix the ones that are already happening? As a trainer, the key to solving problems is to look for what your dog is trying to achieve. Behavior is an attempt to meet a need, like safety, belonging, and enrichment. This 2.5 hour video gives a wide-range of effective ways to prevent and address problem behavior.

This is an excellent video for all dog caregivers, but especially if you have a new puppy or rescue dog.

  • Jumping up.

  • Running away instead of coming.

  • Chewing on furniture, puppy biting, etc.

  • Peeing in the house.

  • Hard to brush, clip nails, etc.

  • Resource guarding toys, bones, etc. from people.

  • Get this course and a whole lot more for FREE when you become a Diamond Member! Learn more about Diamond Membership.

  • We also have a Library Pass which lets you stream this course and a lot of other pre recorded content. Find out more on the Library Pass Page.

What Students Are Saying

5 star rating

Problem Prevention was very useful

Martina Luisetti

Thanks! I really enjoyed this session. Informative, clear and calmly explained.

Thanks! I really enjoyed this session. Informative, clear and calmly explained.

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5 star rating

Good description of content

caroline bird

love watching the video to cover what you were talking about. would like to see more videos to show what you were talking about as its a very long video to c...

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love watching the video to cover what you were talking about. would like to see more videos to show what you were talking about as its a very long video to concentrate on with so much talking.

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5 star rating

Really good

Cristina Power

A comprehensive look at the main problem behaviours and ways of preventing them within a framework of mutual respect and prioritising welfare. Thanks!

A comprehensive look at the main problem behaviours and ways of preventing them within a framework of mutual respect and prioritising welfare. Thanks!

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5 star rating

Good description of content

caroline bird

love watching the video to cover what you were talking about. would like to see more videos to show what you were talking about as its a very long video to c...

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love watching the video to cover what you were talking about. would like to see more videos to show what you were talking about as its a very long video to concentrate on with so much talking.

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5 star rating


Christine Scharf

Great points to follow!

Great points to follow!

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5 star rating

So critical for puppy owners and Breeders.

Dana Simel

I got so much out of this video. Thank you, Grisha! The example videos are great for clarity. I also appreciate the 12 things that puppies must walk on, mee...

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I got so much out of this video. Thank you, Grisha! The example videos are great for clarity. I also appreciate the 12 things that puppies must walk on, meet, experience and hear.

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5 star rating

Great Info for Puppies and Adult Dogs

Susan Levy

Excellent overview of ways to avoid problems down the road with puppies and even adult dogs.

Excellent overview of ways to avoid problems down the road with puppies and even adult dogs.

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5 star rating

Great course

Krisztina Harasztosi

I recommend this course for puppy and dog owners and trainers as well. If you're a trainer there will be lots of familiar information, but I found some good...

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I recommend this course for puppy and dog owners and trainers as well. If you're a trainer there will be lots of familiar information, but I found some good solutions I have never heard before or did slightly differently, and Grisha's way can work for soem dogs better. Thank you for sharing your knowledge

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5 star rating

Very Helpful

Ashley Montes

Very interesting and helpful video! Felt like the perfect overview of puppy essentials. I got lots of great ideas from this, thank you!

Very interesting and helpful video! Felt like the perfect overview of puppy essentials. I got lots of great ideas from this, thank you!

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Nip problems in the bud, before they start!

The same basic techniques work for all species. Even ours.

  • 2.5 Hour Video

    Part 3 of the Empowered Animals DVD series filmed by Tawzer, now available as streaming dog training video. Get all of the basics to train a dog or puppy, including how to pick the right puppy class, how to teach relaxation, how to address jumping up, and a LOT more.

  • What does your dog need?

    Rather than the old-school approach of setting a dog up to fail and punishing for jumping up, pulling, etc., this approach uses empathy and the science of behavior analysis to come up with a way to change behavior without breaking your dog's will.

  • Bonus material

    You'll also get PDF notes of the Powerpoint from the presentation and a quick quiz for understanding. The quiz also allows us to issue a certificate if you are a Diamond Member or Course Purchaser, and need CEUs.

    CEUs (CCPDT & IAABC) Available for Course Purchasers, Diamond Members & Library Pass holders

    2.5 CCPDT CEUs, 2.5 IAABC CEUs

Ready to meet your dog's needs?

It's your choice: buy this video individually or get it (and a lot more) for FREE as a Member.

  • $29.00

    $29.00Problem Prevention in Puppies and Dogs: an Empowered Approach to Life with Dogs (BAT Empowerment Video 3)

    One-time payment to add this streaming video to your library of courses. Your access will not expire.
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  • $125.00

    $125.00BAT Empowerment Series (6 Feature Films)

    Own the whole series! One-time payment to add all 6 videos to your streaming library: Talk With Me, Walk With Me, Problem Prevention, Survival Skills, BAT Set-Ups, and BAT for Geeks. Your access will not expire.
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    This pass not only includes access to all recorded webinars (over 150 at last count!) but also the:

    Member's Only Monthly On Demand videos by Grisha Stewart (NEW for 2025), Live Case Studies/Panel Discussions hosted by Tom Candy (NEW for 2025), an Exclusive FB Group, a Free listing in our Dog Trainer Directory and the exclusive opportunity to become a CBATI-KA/KSA.
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    Community Supported Rate.
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