Learning to Make a Difference.
Welcome! My academy bring together the most innovative, compassionate dog trainers from around the world. We are devoted to making life better for all beings, regardless of species or identity.
With our professional dog trainer education, you’ll not just learn about dog training, but how to coach others to use these skills in the Real World. You’ll be able to help dogs, your human clients, yourself as an an individual, and the greater community.
If kindness and authentic connection are important to you, you belong here!
Earn CEUs! We are an approved Education Provider for the CCPDT (CPDT, CCBC). We also issue certificates for each course, which can be used to apply for CEUs from your organization. Many of our courses also earn IAABC CEUs.
Official home of Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) for aggression, frustration, and fear in dogs. The school covers many more topics, but the BAT empowerment philosophy is a cornerstone of all that we do here.
Supportive, compassionate community to nourish your development as a professional dog trainer and a human with feelings.
On-demand and live education, whichever suits you best.
We have 2 certification programs for your professional development at this time, CBATI-KA (Certified BAT Instructor - Knowledge Assessed) and CBATI-KSA (Knowledge and Skills Assessed). Learn more about the CBATI-KA program here and get a certification overview here.
Enroll in courses individually, as a bundle for certification, or with an affordable Diamond membership.
Diamond members of the Academy and CBATIs are listed in the Empowered Animals Dog Pro Directory.
As a professional dog trainer, you may enjoy these class categories.
View all categories or visit the list of classes to see all online offerings for professional dog trainers and families.
Academy Membership locked in at a great rate!
It's a phenomenal value for professional dog training education with world-class instructors like Michael Shikashio, Susan Friedman, Sarah Fisher, Chirag Patel, Kathy Sdao, Dante Camacho, Katrien Lismont, Lili Chin, Leslie McDevitt, Katherina Alvarez, Andrew Hale, and Anders Hallgren, and Amy Cook.
Diamonds also have an exclusive Facebook group for support, special events, and other perks.
No surprises: keep this low rate as long as your membership is current. Cancel renewal at any time.