All Classes, Big Ideas, Webinars, Body Language, Cooperative Care and Consent, Kids & Babies, Courses by Grisha
Attunement: Are You "Tracking" Your Dog's Wellbeing? Grisha Stewart
(7) 5.0 average rating5 Lessons $29.00 -
All Classes, Big Ideas, Webinars, Courses with CEUs, Body Language, Kids & Babies, BIPOC Instructors
Draw Your Dog with Lili Chin
(19) 4.9 average rating5 Lessons $29.00 -
All Classes, Puppies, Aggression / Reactivity / Trauma in Dogs, Pro Trainer Fundamentals, Courses with CEUs, Kids & Babies
Family Safety: Prevent Dog Bites through Empathy and Clear Communication
15 Lessons $30.00 -
All Classes, Webinars, Courses with CEUs, Kids & Babies
Kids and Dogs: Compassion and Safe Boundaries for Best Friends
4 Lessons $19.00