Student Essentials
Needing help for your own dog? This bundle of courses has the key essentials for problem solving, training, leash walking, and more. 2 weeks of access for $49, or keep access forever for $199.
The courses in this bundle focus on practical problem solving and empowerment for family dogs.
All Classes, Courses by Grisha, Ask Me Anything (GSA Diamond Minds)
All Classes, Puppies, Pro Trainer Fundamentals, Courses with CEUs, Help My Dog, Courses by Grisha
All Classes, Puppies, Aggression / Reactivity / Trauma in Dogs, Pro Trainer Fundamentals, Courses with CEUs, Walking, Help My Dog, Courses by Grisha
All Classes, Puppies, Aggression / Reactivity / Trauma in Dogs, Pro Trainer Fundamentals, Courses with CEUs, Help My Dog, Courses by Grisha
All Classes, Puppies, Pro Trainer Fundamentals, Courses with CEUs, Cooperative Care and Consent, Courses by Grisha
All Classes, Puppies, Aggression / Reactivity / Trauma in Dogs, Pro Trainer Fundamentals, Courses with CEUs, Kids & Babies
It's your choice! Get this course bundle or get ALL of our courses (and more) with a Diamond membership.
If you start a Diamond or Gold membership, it will go for a month and then renew automatically each month after that. You can easily cancel renewal at any time and your access to the content will just expire on your renewal date.