Dogs or People?

Technically you don't have to choose, because we love both! Dog trainers get all the human stuff here, and vice versa, but these pages approach our offerings from a very different angle.

Upcoming Live Online!
Healing the World Through Song with Sheniqua Trotman. September 24, 10am Pacific Time.

Community singing is a heartfelt way to connect together, learn, and have an amazing time doing it! Our community song events are teaching songs, usually a capella (without instruments or with light instrumentation in service of the song).

Normally, people teach each other songs in person, but we can also do this on Zoom, bringing Brooklyn-based song leader and vocal empowerment coach Sheniqua Trotman to your home or community. Bring your friends!

Good news: more friends!

The GSA is becoming part of a bigger vision: to do our part to resource the planetary nervous system. The GSA is being built out to make room for more offerings in Stellar Village, a global online community. Stellar Village is built by a diverse group of heart-centered humans who love learning about learning to connect.

How can we most easefully relate to ourselves and one another? What's identity got to do with it? How can we show up for each other? What gifts do each of us carry for community?

You are at choice with all of our offerings. So don't worry if things like singing and grieving together aren't your thing right now -- we won't make you!

We have a general membership for all people who want in on a kinder place to dream big. And Dog Pros, who appreciate Grisha Stewart’s collaborative online dog school, we still have you covered with the Diamond membership. Most classes and events are also available for direct public purchase, without a membership.

  • Classes

    Online classes from lateral thinkers who care about the world we are creating together.

    Topics range wildly, but the common thread is "How can we help resource the planetary nervous system?"

    From dog training to loving your voice to composting toilets to anti-oppression to platonic touch, our world-class instructors have something inspiring to share!

  • Community Singing & Grief Events

    Collective experiences of joy and sorrow help release intergenerational wounds and envision the world we want to co-create.

    We have different types of Zoom meetings to learn songs from songleaders, to share our own songs, and to gather to express our grief.

  • Conscious Connection!

    We have sessions for getting together to swap stories in real-time, collaborating, networking, and building real relationships.

    We also have opportunities to volunteer, including our kinship tending team, which helps connect members, educate to ease the rough edges around bringing diverse groups of people together, and track the health of our community.

Buy Individual Classes and Events

  • Permanent Access

  • Full Participation

  • One-time payment

Prices Vary

Stellar Village Membership

  • Live online Classes & Webinars

  • Live online Song Circles

  • Stream recordings of live events

  • Collaboration space in Zoom

  • Store Discount

  • Incudes E-books by Grisha

  • Includes CBATI-KA coursework

  • Monthly or Annual Subscription

  • Stellar Village member logo for your website

Stellar Village Membership



  • Full Stellar Village membership PLUS:

  • Listing in our Dog Pro Directory

  • Diamond Dog Pros Facebook Group

  • Dog trainer discussions in Zoom

  • Eligible for CBATI-KA Assessment

  • GSA Member logo for your website



What's New and Coming Up?

You'll notice we still have dog classes, and we also have amazing new online classes and events on other subjects. We’ll focus on building relational skills and learning without shame — all while having a great time together! We invite you to consider doing something outside of your comfort zone, like singing!

Event Calendar

You can also subscribe to our Google Calendar for dog training events at the academy here. We also have collection of descriptions for upcoming events, which may sometimes include events not yet on the Google calendar.

Choose from one of two memberships: Village membership or Diamond membership (for dog pros)

All classes and our yummy members-only activities are included with our Village memberships: $29.99 per month is an excellent value for full access to classes, song circles, grief circles, collaborations, on-demand sessions, and more. After each session, you also have the option to briefly meet other villagers in breakout groups for authentic conversation.

Most events and classes can also be purchased separately, without a membership, but membership is the better value and the only way to get all the community events.

p.s. We also have a scholarship program (100% free for life for all PGM/BIPOC and a need-based scholarship, too).

  • $29.99 / month

    $29.99 / monthStellar Village Membership

    Full-access Village membership! Villagers can access to all live events, community song circles, recordings, co-working & collaboration sessions, etc., everything in Stellar Village online (except for the bonus features Diamond membership for dog trainers). [Learn More]
    Sign me up!
  • $39.99 / month

    $39.99 / monthDiamond Membership All Access Pass

    Dog Trainers! Diamond members are villagers who also get bonus perks: a free professional dog pro directory listing, the dog trainer Facebook group, and the ability to apply for the CBATI Certification assessment. This is the best choice if you are a professional or aspiring dog trainer and are looking for an empathetic, kind community experience.

    Note that regular Village members still get to take all the dog training classes you want.

    [Learn More]
    Sign me up!