What's In the BAT Pack?

The classes you need to going on BAT 3.0 for dog reactivity. Here is the eBook, videos, and course that are included in this bundle.

Ready to dive into BAT?

  • $259.00

    $259.00BAT Pack

    One-time payment to add all of the material in the BAT Pack (eBook, videos, course) to your library. Your access will not expire.
    Buy Now
  • $39.99 / month

    $39.99 / monthDiamond Membership All Access Pass

    This is the best choice if you are a professional or aspiring dog trainer and are looking for more than just webinars.

    This pass not only includes access to all recorded webinars (over 150 at last count!) but also the:

    Member's Only Monthly On Demand videos by Grisha Stewart (NEW for 2025), Live Case Studies/Panel Discussions hosted by Tom Candy (NEW for 2025), an Exclusive FB Group, a Free listing in our Dog Trainer Directory and the exclusive opportunity to become a CBATI-KA/KSA.
    Sign Up!
  • $29.99 / month

    $29.99 / monthDiamond Membership All Access Pass

    Community Supported Rate.
    Sliding scale choice, same membership access as the standard rate.
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  • $19.99 / month

    $19.99 / monthGSA Library Pass

    On-demand access. The ideal choice if you are interested in a great value membership option, are unable to attend the live webinar, and don't need all the extras of the Diamond Membership.

    New content added every month, and you can get CEUs with this pass too!
    Sign Up!
If you choose to purchase a Membership, your subscription will go for a month from the start date and then renew automatically each month after that. You can easily cancel renewal at any time and your access to the content will just expire on your renewal date. Already a Member? You're already enrolled in this event, at no extra charge. Just log in and refresh this page, and you'll see a Start Learning or Resume Learning button on the top. Scholarships. We also have lifetime free access for PGM/BIPOC folks (because your ancestors prepaid), and 6-month need-based scholarships. Click for scholarship information.